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Customizing Theme Colors & Fonts

Each of our themes allows full customization of colors via the theme.json file. Below is an overview of how the colors are structured:

"colors": {
"default": {
"theme_color": {
"primary": "#1f58eb", // Main brand color
"secondary": "#BCD4FF", // Supporting brand color
"accent": "#E4EA8C", // Highlighted elements
"body": "#fff", // Background color
"border": "#E5E5E5", // Default border color
"theme_dark": "#101E43", // Dark background
"theme_light": "#F9FBFF" // Light background
"text_color": {
"default": "#2E2E2E", // Standard text color
"dark": "#000E30", // Darker text for emphasis
"light": "#565555" // Lighter text for subtitles

Customizing Colors

  • Modify the primary and secondary colors to match your brand.
  • Adjust text colors.

Typography Settings

Each of our themes also supports advanced typography customization, including the option to self-host fonts for enhanced performance and GDPR compliance.

"fonts": {
"font_family": {
"primary": "DM Sans",
"primary_weights": "400;500;700",
"primary_type": "sans-serif",
"secondary": "Syne",
"secondary_weights": "700",
"secondary_type": "sans-serif",
"self_hosted_fonts": true,
"_comment": "Set to true to download fonts to public folder."
"font_size": {
"base": "16", // Default font size (px)
"type_scale": "1.29", // Scaling factor for responsive typography
"line_height": "1.8" // Line spacing for better readability

Font Customization

  • Replace primary and secondary fonts to suit your brand style.
  • Adjust font sizes to enhance readability.
  • Enable self_hosted_fonts for GDPR compliance (downloads fonts to the /public folder).