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The social links displayed across all pages are managed through the social.json file. By modifying this file, your changes will automatically reflect on all pages. To update the social links, open the social.json file located in the src/config folder, where you will find the following structure:

"main": [
"enable": true,
"label": "facebook",
"icon": "/images/icons/svg/facebook.svg",
"url": ""
"enable": true,
"label": "twitter",
"icon": "/images/icons/svg/twitter.svg",
"url": ""
"enable": true,
"label": "instagram",
"icon": "/images/icons/svg/instagram.svg",
"url": ""
"enable": true,
"label": "linkedin",
"icon": "/images/icons/svg/linkedin.svg",
"url": ""
  • enable → Enables or disables the social link.
  • label → Defines the name of the social platform.
  • icon → Specifies the icon associated with the social link.
  • url → Specifies the destination URL of the social link.