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Customizing the Header

The header contains following essential elements that you can customize using the links below:

Customizing the Navigation Button

To enable or edit the navigation button in the header, open the config.toml file in the src/config folder and find the following section:

# Navigation Button in Header
enable = true # Enable or disable the button
label = "" # Button text (set in i18n files)
url = "/contact/" # Button link

Updating the Button Label

The button label is managed through language files for multilingual support. To change it:

  1. Open src/i18n/en.json (for English) or another language file, such as src/i18n/fr.json (for French).
  2. Locate the "navigation" section.
  3. Update the "button_label" value.

Note: If you are not using the multilingual feature, you can update the button label directly in the config.toml file

Example: English (en.json)
"navigation": {
"button_label": "Get Started"
Example: French (fr.json)
"navigation": {
"button_label": "Commencez à utiliser"

Once updated, your navigation button will display the new label based on the selected language.